Since 2004 we have been running a testing hall especially designed for serial testing. It contains five radiographic testing stations and two automatic film development units. Here, objects with a size that can still be moved by hand can be tested cost-effectively and with optimum throughput times.

Radioisotopes and X-ray tubes up to 450 kV are available as radiation sources. If necessary, we can develop application-specific fixtures, in order to achieve optimum results in terms of reproducibility and throughput.

As well as the daily inspection of turbine blades the equipment is also used for recurrent small series.


Gesellschaft für Radiographie mbH

Gesellschaft für Radiographie mbH
Am Walzwerk 41
45527 Hattingen

Telefon: 02324-90297 0
Telefax: 02324-90297 20

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F GZP 100