Do you need a quotation for your project?

Then you can really help us to help you by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following information:

  • a technical drawing of the test object with of wall thickness dimensions
  • information about the test area
  • material specification
  • requested standard for the RT execution incl. issue date and testing class, if applicable
  • requested standard and severity level for the film evaluation

Please state our quotation number on your order.

Do you prefer the 'costs incurred' basis?

You do not need a quotation, or your inspection task is too complex for an in-depth calculation? In such cases, we bill for the provision of our service support on the basis of 'costs incurred' in a verifiable manner. In so doing, we charge the costs of film material, the cost of taking standard radiographs using a sliding scale based on wall thickness, and for the evaluation, which includes a detailed inspection report.

When needed, we will be pleased to let you have our current price list.

The costs of special additional services such as the production of test instructions, film digitisation, more complex radiographic techniques or expensive component handling are things that we are pleased to clarify with you in advance.


Gesellschaft für Radiographie mbH

Gesellschaft für Radiographie mbH
Am Walzwerk 41
45527 Hattingen

Telefon: 02324-90297 0
Telefax: 02324-90297 20

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F GZP 100