Film digitisation makes it possible to archive test results in a space-saving and long-lasting manner, and to evaluate those results without illuminators.

We digitize X-ray films with a resolution of down to 50 microns and optical densities of up to 4.7. It does not matter if the radiographs were taken by us, by you or by a third-party laboratory.

If required, we can also scan large-scale series.

Film digitisation produces usually a large volume of data that requires back-up and transmission with a data carrier. For viewing purposes, we provide our own ISAR software, an in-house development, with which you can intuitively evaluate all regions of interest across all levels of optical density.


Gesellschaft für Radiographie mbH

Gesellschaft für Radiographie mbH
Am Walzwerk 41
45527 Hattingen

Telefon: 02324-90297 0
Telefax: 02324-90297 20

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