Gesellschaft für Radiographie mbH
Am Walzwerk 41
45527 Hattingen

Tel.: +49 2324 90297-0
Fax: +49 2324 902 97-20
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Registered Office of the Company: Hattingen; Register Court: Amtsgericht Essen, Commercial Register HRB15210
Management: Thorsten Flor, Björn Hansen

VAT identification number: DE171495226


Gesellschaft für Radiographie mbH

Gesellschaft für Radiographie mbH
Am Walzwerk 41
45527 Hattingen

Telefon: 02324-90297 0
Telefax: 02324-90297 20

News from our company

Mitarbeiter gesucht!
Wir bauen unsere Serienprüfung aus und suchen motivierte Mitarbeiter, die Teil unseres Teams werden wollen. Details gibt es hier .
GfR produces new Exam Films for Vector TUB
As part of our long-standing collaboration, we have produced new X-ray films of weld seams for Vector TUB GmbH in Hattingen in...
General Meeting of the F-GZP 2024
The general meeting of the F-GZP took place in Moers again this year. GfR was represented by its Managing Director Thorsten Flor...
F GZP 100